The BOLD partnership consists of five European universities and a business partner.


University of Hamburg

Hamburg University is the largest and most diverse research and educational institution in northern Germany, with over 43000 students from more than 130 different countries. The University has established several interdisciplinary key research areas and fosters an extensive network of academic cooperation with leading institutions on a regional, national, and international scale. The BOLD project will be coordinated by the Faculty of Education of the University of Hamburg, which has a long experience in international cooperation in the fields of linguistic and cultural diversity, sustainable development and teacher education.



Web2Learn is a digital education company that offers high-quality digital learning and professional training solutions and services. The company is located in Thessaloniki, Greece, and the team is composed of nine highly qualified individuals. Web2Learn specializes in two areas: a) digital training and openness and b) social and open innovation. It develops services and products related to openness in education, science and policy. They match current societal claims for more collaboration and sharing opportunities through open content creation and release in an ethical and transparent manner. The company is also active with services in open innovation, as W2L act as hosts of hackathons (two challenges at the DigiEduHack 2020), and as mentors at hackathons (EUvsVirus; EUvsVirus matchathon).

University staff involved
in the project:


Universidade de Aveiro

University of Aveiro is a young university, founded in 1973, with over 15000 full-time students (graduate and postgraduate). The University has a strong research profile, a unique model of governance (16 Departments, 4 Polytechnic Schools and various training centres), acting as a regional network for education and training while promoting strong links with the surrounding community. It is also a pioneer in launching degrees in new subject areas. One of the distinctive areas of the University is teacher training and education. The university of Aveiro is part of the group of young Portuguese universities that created the “integrated training model” that includes a pedagogical practice dimension involving the direct intervention of in-service teachers in schools, in a multidisciplinary perspective, articulating research, training, and social practice.


Autonomous University of Madrid

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid is a public university with an outstanding international reputation for its high-quality teaching and research. Founded in 1968, it has been generally recognized as one of the best Spanish universities in both national and international rankingsCurrently, the University has about 30000 students enrolled (23000 undergraduate; 3000 master and 4000 PhD students). It also has some 3200 professors and researchers and nearly 1100 administrative staff. The University has more than 20 years of research in intercultural studies and collaborates closely with other institutions and organizations in order to contribute to strengthening human rights.

University staff involved
in the project:


University of Groningen

The University of Groningen (36,000 students, 6100 staff) is an internationally oriented university with a rich academic tradition. Since its establishment in 1614, the university has brought forward striving academics, like the first female student, the first Dutch astronaut and various Nobel prize winners. Geographically, the University is rooted in the Northern part of the Netherlands. The University connects education and research with sustainable and economic processes within society. This comes together in Groningen University’s three spearheads: Energy, Healthy Ageing and Sustainable Society. The BOLD project will be housed at the department of Minorities and Multilingualism ( at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Groningen.

University staff involved
in the project:


University of Aix Marseille

Aix-Marseille Université was officially opened on January 1, 2012, replacing the University of Provence, University of the Mediterranean and Paul Cézanne University. All the academic fields that may be studied in France are represented at Aix-Marseille Université, which has five major divisions, structured into 18 faculties, schools, and institutes. Aix-Marseille Université welcomes nearly 80,000 students including 10,000 international students and makes up 8,000 faculty and staff members, 12 doctoral schools and nearly 3,600 PhD students. Aix-Marseille Université is home to 132 research facilities –118 research units and 14 federative research structures – linked to France’s biggest research institutions (CNRS,


University staff involved
in the project:

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Supported by the Erasmus Program of the European Union

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

PROJECT CODE: 2022-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000086001

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