Work Packages

The BOLD Project is divided into 5 work packages

Work Package 1

Project Management
Project Management


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Work Package 2
“Landscape analysis and social action principles for promoting linguistic and cultural diversity”
Leading partner: University of Groningen

WP2 aims to assess the role of universities in contemporary social action with respect to language and cultural diversity and to map opportunities in social action initiatives that can be conducive to language learning and teaching practice. WP2 activities will result in:
  1. The release of resources on European initiatives of social action on the project’s website.
  2. The organisation of 5 round tables.
  3. The release of an implementation synthesis and its translation in partner languages.
  4. The release of the publication “Service design principles for social action encompassing cultural and linguistic diversity” and its translation in partner languages.

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Work Package 3

“Open access modular training resources”

Leading partner: Web2Learn


WP3 aims to create a capacity building suite for pre-service teachers on social action, enhanced through university curricula and academic teaching education and practices.


WP3 activities will result in:

  1. A methodology for e-learning design.
  2. The release of 10 open access modules and their translation in partner languages.


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Work Package 4

“Integration of social action in teacher education curricula and students’ hands-on projects”

Leading partner: University of Aveiro


WP4 aims to set up projects that will allow university pre-service teachers to pursue their university studies while developing social action competencies to protect and foster multilingualism and interculturalism. 


WP4 activities will result in:

  1. The creation of a toolkit for university students and staff embarking in social action linked to their study programme.
  2. The integration of the WP3 modules in university curricula.
  3. The release of short intermediate progress reports by student teams committed to the social action projects.
  4. The organisation of a Student sprint: online mutualisation event across all universities.
  5. The organisation of a 5-day summer school for student teachers in Aveiro.
  6. The organisation of a 3-day online hackathon for student teachers.


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Work Package 5

“Competence, development, impact”

Leading partner: University of Hamburg


WP5 aims to assess knowledge and social action activities undertaken in the previous work packages and generate innovative tools that will serve as future guides for universities willing to engage in social action.


WP5 activities will result in:

  1. The release of peer and self- assessment results of implemented projects.
  2. The release of social action and linguistic and cultural diversity monitoring tool.
  3. The release of open badges for all students and staff having participated at the WP4 student projects.
  4. The production of an e-brochure showcasing achievements of social actions by students.
  5. A Handbook on social action for university teacher educators.
  6. The implementation of social actions in 5 educational institutions.
  7. The organisation of a multiplier event hosted by the University of Aix Marseille.


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We believe our project is timeless, an original approach in teacher education programs and a vehicle for a positive impact on our society.

Supported by the Erasmus Program of the European Union

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

PROJECT CODE: 2022-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000086001

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