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BOLD Project at the 2024 SRHE International Research Conference Higher Education

The BOLD consortium will present a symposium entitled “Integrating social action towards linguistic and cultural diversity in initial teacher education curricula” at the 2024 SRHE International Research Conference Higher Education: A Place for Activism and Resistance

In this symposium, which takes place online on the 2nd December 2024, we will discuss how service learning and social action are being integrated into teacher education programmes in different scientific areas and in different countries. The symposium comprises three talks: “Academia-driven social action transforming language studies and initial teacher education: mapping the field” (Web2Learn), “Promoting culturally and linguistically responsive teaching in initial teacher education programmes at the University of Aveiro” (University of Aveiro) and “Addressing linguistic equality and educational justice in two teacher education programs: voices from pre-service French and Geography teachers in Germany” (University of Hamburg). 

If you attend the 2024 SRHE International Research Conference Higher Education: A Place for Activism and Resistance, make sure to attend the symposium and engage in fruitful discussions with us!

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Supported by the Erasmus Program of the European Union

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

PROJECT CODE: 2022-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000086001

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